Greetings from the East.
The holiday season is upon us and soon the snow will be flying. I wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and prosperity in the New Year!!
As I write this letter, it’s a few days before Thanksgiving and our plans are finalized for our Kilwinning Visitation. I’ll recap the visit in January. I am very excited for this trip as it has been an extended time since our last official visit to Toronto.
We had a small crowd for our last Master’s Table event, but all who attended had a great time socializing with friends and family. It was great to see Don and Pat Hester come out for the afternoon! Don mentioned that we should try O’Briens Crab House on Opdyke for the next one., so watch for dates in February for that.
Our Annual Communication is coming up on December 6th. Please make every effort to attend, and our public Installation will be on December 13th at 7PM.
Fraternally yours,
Matthew R. Shelton, WM