Greetings from the East, I hope all is well with you and your family. Spring is finally here and the weather should be breaking soon. It wont be long and the suckers will be running and the perch will be in the cuts, before we know it the Morels will be popping. Spring is a wonderful time of year.
Worshipful brother Stan Bloeker and I spent the day at Alma on March 17 for the spring leadership conference and w
e both agreed that it was worth the trip. We had a good day of fellowship with our brothers and we picked up a couple of ideas to use with our lodge. A good day for sure.
We have two new prospective members. Both men have made several visits with us and received petitions last month. There will be a look out meeting on April 7 at 6p.m. prior to our regular to hear the investigative committees reports prior to us voting on their petitions.
We made three separate charitable donations at our March meeting. We opted to sponsor a youth baseball team this year. We plan to have a lodge outing or two to go out and support our team and have some fun with the kids and community. We also made donations to Camp Grace Bentley which is a camp that services handicapped campers and The Burger Autism school. I want to thank all of our members that have made contributions to our Lodge Charity Account, the money is going to good use.
Commerce lodge is hosting a lodge education night, meal, and lecture on April 22 from 4-7 p.m. Cost is $20 pre pay and the proceeds will be donated to local masonic charities. I am sure there will be a link available on Our Lodge page in the near future for those interested in attending.
Have a great spring and hope to see you in lodge this month.